Walentynkowa premiera wydawnictwa EoS

Kiedyś to było
„Puść mnie” – wysyczała, zaciskając dłonie w pięści.
„Nie” – jego głos był jak aksamit i stal jednocześnie. – „Nie po to cię zdobyłem, żeby teraz pozwolić ci uciec.”
Jej oddech stał się płytki, gdy jego palce musnęły linię jej szczęki. Powinna czuć strach, powinna się bronić... ale ciało zdradzało ją z każdą chwilą. Nigdy wcześniej nikt nie patrzył na nią w taki sposób.
„Jesteś moja, czy tego chcesz, czy nie” – powiedział cicho, nachylając się bliżej.
Mocne, nie? Twoja babcia też tak mogła myśleć ;) Bo jest to...
Erotic toys aren't always hidden in a drawer or in a "box of pleasure" under the bed. However, they are still hard to spot, because they come in all sorts of shapes and can often be confused with, for example, a lamp. And can we still use the term "toys" here, since some of them look like small works of art, and some like larger ones ;)
Bedside Lamp
Matteo Cibic's night light is a very functional item! The night light...
What does a visit to urogynecological physiotherapist Anka Zemlik-Franz look like?
Urinary incontinence , painful menstruation or intercourse, or difficulties in getting pregnant are health problems that urogynecological physiotherapy can help solve. However, visiting a specialist is often not our first choice because it is still not a very popular practice. Instead, we wander from gynecologist to gynecologist, often losing hope for a "normal life."
Partly for the purpose of creating this material, but also largely driven by my own curiosity, I decided to visit Anka Zemlik-Franz's office. Step by step, I described the entire visit for you.
ABC of pelvic floor muscles. What to do and what definitely not to do.
We hear more and more about the pelvic floor muscles. Very good! Because they have a lot of work to do during our lives. So that they serve us well into old age, it is worth remembering them. You may find that some bad habits can be really harmful to them. Check if you are handling your MDMs properly.
Don't hold your urine, but don't pee too quickly. When we wait too long to go to the toilet, our bladder expands like a balloon. If you inflate a balloon repeatedly...
Dildo or Vibrator? A short story about you and how you wanted everything and you got it.

Maybe you are at this crossroads in life and wondering which erotic toy to choose. There is no point in downplaying this problem. And how important this decision is, you will learn from my fairy tale. However, if you are a person who likes specifics and you have outgrown fairy tales long ago, please read the last paragraph.
Imagine your dilemma as a fork in the road, with you standing in the middle wondering which one to take. You are looking at a signpost with two arrows pointing in...